
The Army Is Pulling Out - And Without A Fight

Good Deal!


Maybe they should not have "cut and run" so easily. McCollum lost a House vote last year on this funding and after all it is about supporting the Empire. Oh my what will they do now.


  1. What??? I don't think the army spends any money on this sort of stuff in California. I guess they're more interested in signing up rednecks than surfers, farmers, bicycle racers, and laid-back dudes. Good, they can stay the heck away from here.

    1. Congress approved this month to continue spending 70.3 million dollars to sponser Nascar, 26 million goes to sponser Dale Earnhardt Jr. So whoever wrote this article was wrong. Of course, the writer did say the Army and I know the National Guard is the sponser of Dale Jr. Nevertheless, it was approved by Congress recently due to South Carolina Senators and Congressman pushing it thru. Congress had to reduce the military spending so they reduced funding for prosthetic limbs for our veterans returning home from Afghanistan. Thank you, South Carolina for showing America what is really important.

  2. I didn't know about this, so I did some research...What a bunch of crap... “The U.S. Army has been a great partner of Stewart-Haas Racing since the team’s inception,” said Brett Frood, executive vice president of SHR. “It has been a mutually beneficial relationship, with the U.S. Army introducing training regimens that improved our pit crews while instilling the mental, physical and emotional strength of the U.S. Army Soldier in all of us.”

    1. At the cost of 70.3 million dollars a year, the Army has sponsered Nascar. Thank you for supporting Dale Earnhardt Jr, at the cost of 26 million per year. Forget the wounded heros returning from Afghanistan and other places...they don't need medical treatment. THAT IS WHAT CONGRESS HAD TO DECIDE WAS MORE IMPOSTANT,NASCAR OR PROSTHETIC LIMBS FOR OUR MEN AND WOMEN SERVING THIS COUNTRY.

  3. Sometimes politics baffles me...I'm speechless...


  4. Dang. I guess they'll have to rely on the joys of killing heathens as an incentive for joining.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. I was offended at your stupidity soldier or not asshole!

  5. If you remember back not that long ago the military was having severe recruiting problems and lowered their standards. This support of racing and fighting and fishing came from that as well I believe.

    With the economy so bad now maybe they don't need it anymore or maybe the type of recruit it was attracting they don't need or is it the drones are making up the difference.

    No matter what the War machine will grind on and that is a fact!
