
Many Questions Will Be Asked

A bit ago looked at the "news" out of Aurora. Big Whore Media will be all over this endlessly with their drivel of how and why asking the same stupid ass questions that do nothing but promote their own agenda of peddling their bull shit without an attempt of any opinion or possible remedy's of this tragedy.

I will throw a couple whys out there and it ain't pretty but when you get squat from most everywhere else something is better than you get from the Big Whores.

This country has severe societal problems that cannot be fixed.

These issues (if you do not have a clue about what they would be then move on outta here because you are in the wrong place) are  part of the result of corporations and their profit margins that must be met at all cost.

The marketing aspect and how it has changed in a huge way values we once had. Tennis shoes and phone more important than education for instance.

The integration of religion into government with the nonsensical rhetoric used as fact in discussions that need reality based conversations to implement positive change.

Big Whore media who uses yours and my airwaves was to educate as part of that deal as well. The 1% own that and they do nothing for our society but propagandize the issues for their benefit.

Why oh why will be the cry. We are in deep deep shit people and very few have a clue.

What's just as sad about this is there is worse coming down the tube.

1 comment:

  1. Prepare for the political lip service.
    Remember Tucson ?
    Couple of days, and all was forgotten.
    Same will happen here.
    The repugs obey the NRA, and the dimwits are intimidated by the NRA.
    The dog and pony show will continue.
    Perhaps there is a magic number of deaths before they get serious about this.
