
Mitt May Pick A Killer

Condoleezza Rice (the last time that name is used) aka Kinda Sleazy as she is known here probably will be the center of attention again.

I despised and still do how media distorts her name and uses Condi which implies some sort of association. It comes across to me as one of friendship and goodness if that makes any sense. It's more of a positive name than a negative not that her proper name is a bad one. It's actually very interesting but it is her name. It's wrong and creates a false impression of this person

Make no mistake about it! This women is a war criminal and committed treason along with all of the rest of the bushes. She was one of top liars on WMD's and Iraq.

Again OTC will never assist in the rewriting of history and those involved who took us to war on a "pack of lies" in Iraq.

Kinda Sleazy has not been treated well here but none of these people ever will be.

We are and will continue to pay the price for their treason.

She will be loved by many.


  1. Riding on the train we can feel no pain

    We are taking the grandchildren on a train ride (Tallen our youngest WANTS to ride a train...really wants to ride a train) So we will go from Grand Junction to Glenwood Springs on a
    train ride.


  2. Way to go Tallen. I'm jealous. I wanna go to.

    The last train I was on was from Bobo-Dioulasso (Bobo)to Ouagadougou (Wagga) in what was then Upper Volta.

    Have toooo much fun.

  3. Condi is a woman and a Lamanite, she is just a diversion from his tax troubles.

    If you are on the Tweety check out #RomneyPrisonNicknames

  4. I agree, they need to change the news cycle.
    Condi is a head fake. Waaaay toooo much baggage.
    Pawlenty will get the nod.
    Lets see who the real out sourcer will be if/when they pass the TPP Trans Pacific Partnership.
    If you did not like NAFTA, who will hate TPP.
