
No It Is Not A Miracle

It's their state. It's their newspaper. It's their belief. It gets old seeing this word thrown around so easily.

"Miracles do happen," said West Jordan Police Chief Douglas Diamond. "I'm not going to say it's not divine intervention. I myself believe it is divine intervention."

Chief Diamond goes on to say.
"He has that sixth sense that a lot of cops have" 

These people themselves every one of them are the very ones making a mockery of this tragic event in that there was a "miracle" that happened here in finding this murderer.

A more fitting "miracle" would have been saving this little girls life.


  1. I always figure, if it brings them comfort to believe this way, then fine... However, if voices, from a supreme being, tells them to run for office, etc..., then I'm on high alert.

  2. If God has the power to perform a miracle in discovering and arresting the perp, why didn't God perform a miracle and save the little girl's life in the first place?

  3. I agree with Fearguth


  4. The part I like is where he says, "That sixth sense that a lot of cops have." My first husband was a cop. If he'd had a sixth sense, he'd have known how unhappy I was being married to a cop.;)
