
Ouchy WA WA

No shit Cisco.

"I heard wails of pain, screams of agony,"

I bet they did. What the hell did you think was going to happen? In the other life I could toss around in my hands pretty damn hot pieces of metal without getting burnt. That was because they were tough from years of work and not from a keyboard.

People can't think on their own. They want to believe sooo badly. No amount of motivation by the likes of someone such as this Robbins fellow would ever convince this guy his lily white and sensitive feet could ever withstand a walk on hot coals.


  1. They're obviously not ready for Hell, are they?

  2. Remember the Sedona sweat lodge incident??? People died... That one really pissed me off! These "leaders?" take something from a different culture, add $$ value to it, promise riches/whatever, and idiots follow. I can't believe there are so many followers??? boggles my mind.

    1. It seems that the "wanna believe so bad" types is a by product of everything else if that makes any sense which I doubt.

  3. Shame on Tony Robbins for allowing people to try this. Shame on the people who tried it for thinking it matters.

    That is one great header photo and, somehow, it seems so appropriate.

    1. People want to be something else and willingly give money to people like this. Keep that match away damn it!

      Please tell me what you see in the picture.

    2. It's hard to put into words, but there's something about the fragility of the insect and the harsh barbed wire that reminds me of this news story. It's an interesting juxtaposition between the real world and the man-made one.

      The colors are wonderful and it's so sharply defined, I feel as though I'm right there.

  4. Got it and thank you TE. I realized the barb wire part of the picture. It was unlike any other fly pictures. The picture was put up before the story.

    I got quite few other decent ones and it was a hard choice. It was manipulated a little bit but it did look as it appears.

    It is too what you see as well.

  5. Who would have thought...I mean fire is hot, coals are hotter...oh yes...wait until blue white...blue is cool and so is white...WHAT BURNS!!!!?


    1. Like Cujo says it does work. I guess if you want a chance of getting burnt on the bottom of your feet you walk on hot coals.

  6. Oddly, this trick usually works. The coals have to be burned pretty well, and the feet of the people who do the walk have to be dry. Believe it or not, moisture retains the heat of the fire. It's all about heat per unit area per unit time.

    Here's a link with more links (eventually).

  7. But when it doesn't . . . .

    I hear that Cujo.
