
Poll Results On Tattoos

Pretty straight forward. Seven people say they have none. I was one of those. One said they have just one indiscreet little one. Onother who didn't get to vote but wrote said and I think told me they had two. Those two are female.

What can be learned from this?? Absolutely nothing.

I see so many tattoo's and it seems . . . well different and think sometimes why did you go do that. Just saying here now so don't anybody get pissed off but I think one big reason is people want you to look at their tattoo instead of the other/them.

In the spirit of kinder and gentler in fairness it needs to be said - that when these very same people look at moi they're saying to themselves "That guy needs a "too" bad!".


  1. Tattoos are banned by the Bible, and if God said it, I believe it!

  2. dang Fly, since it's banned by God, maybe I'd better get rid of it.

  3. hey you were a cute little guy. what happened?

    1. See the last paragraph in the post. It's the shit's ain't it!
