
They're Coming Again

Always the fear factor but there is an answer!

The terrorist organization that was once the scourge of the U.S. occupation in Iraq and likely is responsible for more than 100 deaths in the country over the past few days has set its sights on launching attacks inside the United States, intelligence officials said.

Read more here: http://www.mcclatchydc.com/2012/07/25/157734/congress-told-of-growing-threat.html#storylink=cpy

That answer is you hold the bush bastards accountable for their treason. They are the reason for all the deaths in Iraq and others in the area. Most of those were and continue to be innocents just like in "Saudi Aurora". For those of you unaware Saudi Aurora is a common term for Aurora used for decades.

Just for a second imagine all those feelings generated by that incident by say a factor of at least a 1000 (correction - make that 10,000) or so and put yourself in their shoes "over there".

Not many get it. Not even close!


  1. Thank you for saying what I've been thinking.

  2. Humanity and Reality are not allowed on the table when it comes to covering up treason.

    Thank you for being able to "get it".

  3. Unfortunately the securocrats will always have a willing and docile-receptive audience for the scaremongering. We've got the same problem over here. They trot out the same story roughly every four months.
