
This Oughtta Learn Him

You betcha! Many have been screwed by mandatory sentencing laws and not saying this guy was. They do have their place but common sense needs to be part of the process which many badges/prosecutors do not have.


  1. uuhh.."after serving part of a 6 year sentence"... Who needs to learn from this???

  2. He did commit real crimes and after 8 additional bank jobs, can be said to enjoy his work. It's not like he is facing life for a third strike of petty shop lifting.

  3. The cat looks like the District Court Judge.

  4. He may have been too friendly.

  5. The cat does look like a judge! Great header choice!


  6. At least they won't even have to pretend to offer him job training for some other vocation, if he serves his full sentence that is. And I wonder why someone who robs a bank from the bottom side, for a pittance really, gets such a huge sentence in comparison to the CEOs who rob it for a fortune from the top side and get bonuses for their work. It cracks me up that they can say, "I didn't do a very good job, the bank lost billions." Well, yes, they did a great job. They "misplaced" billions and no one is throwing them in jail for it. Wonder what they're all doing with all that money they misplaced? Building a space colony? Preparing for the end of the earth? Why else would anyone need so much money?

    1. If only they could receive just a bit of accountability the world would be a better place.
