
Throw These Thugs Out

Do it before they kill or maim somebody because they are stupid and strong and don't care about others. $7,500 bond for intimidating another with a weapon when you are worth millions probably.

Corporate money/corporate influence in sports has been a huge negative on our society except for the 1%.

The pos in question -


  1. When did you add the tattoo thingie? I have a small one I got back in the early 70's. Before, way before they got popular. Why do they even bother with a bond that low??? I think this societies obsession with athletes and movie stars is just ridiculous. It was on the news, last night, that little Suri Cruise cried because she didn't get a puppy...??? That's news??? I have a real problem with the news media...

  2. Just yesterday. We both have a problem then with this. I don't even know who the hell suri cruise is. People around the world laugh at us. We get the news the 1% lets us have and the sheep bleat for more. It couldn't be better.

  3. Shish! These guys make way too much money and get way too much fame and they think they can do anything then.


  4. Just a wonderful photo what a talented photographer.

