
Trial Time

Let's bring it on. It appears there is enough evidence already for the prosecution to present their case and get a conviction.

I do not believe for a second the founding fathers envisioned these mass killing scenarios perpetrated by one person or possibly with an accomplice. 

This country kills citizens deemed dangerous by one man without due process and hardly a voice is raised.

The defense will have their chance to present their side of what and why this man needed to kill and maim as he did.

A jury of his peers will determine whether his defense is enough to find him innocent or guilty at some level.

If it's a guilty verdict the punishment will be metered out accordingly.

From my perspective with horror stories like this one in Aurora I believe fast tracking these cases is important for obvious reasons at least for me.

Don't give a shit one iota about this killer - what his momma thinks or how smart or nice he was or what have you. Can the prosecution prove beyond a shadow of doubt this man was the shooter.

If so trial time.

Two things - there can be a very quick trial without the defendants rights being violated. By swift but fair justice these wannabe killers or newbie wannabe mass killers will learn they will not be in the limelight for very long at all - if they are guilty of mass murder.

It is and can be that simple and it should be so those touched by this can move on with their lives without continual bullshit from Big Whore Media that for the most part will not add much to the discussion than what is already known.


  1. Thinkin you know my views on the media!!!

    1. Not many agree with me TMoon. Media played it's part in this as well.

  2. Great header!


    1. I will find out what brand this guy is. There were two of them.

  3. How do you legally amass an arsenal of assault weapons and thousands of rounds of ammo and get them into a theatre? First step - move to America.

  4. How do you legally amass an arsenal of assault weapons and thousands of rounds of ammo and get them into a theatre? First step - move to America.

    Or to Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, or any other number of failed states.

    Which says something about the U S of A today, but not something pleasant.

    - Badtux the "Failed state? Really?" Penguin
