
Africans Doing Drone Like Work In Somalia

In the evil sense that our Empire is training others to fight kill and die protecting corporate interests so ours don't die. Below is part of what came out of a report that I can't find.

Through deploying African troops to Somalia, “the Obama administration is trying to achieve US military goals with minimal risk of American deaths and scant public debate,” the report added. “Nearly 20 years after US Army Rangers suffered a bloody defeat in Somalia, losing 18 soldiers and two Black Hawk helicopters, Washington is once again heavily engaged in the chaotic country. Only this time, African troops are doing the fighting and dying,” the report said.

Makes no difference who's in charge bama or another the results would be the same. The 1% salivate at the thought of what monetary possibilities that lie ahead in the Dark Continent. They will not be denied.

And few give a shit.


  1. You're right. It doesn't matter who's in charge, the looter elite will press on with no thought for public opinion.

    The header photo: that beautifully hellacious road. Great photo!

    1. Agreed! We have no control.

      What a place this area of the country is.

  2. WOWERS! That highway is way cool. I went to the link and read up...AMAZING!


    1. You are not that far away at all!! A weekend trip staying in Bluff overnight would be very interesting.

  3. May I please have an order of Empire Fries along with my Colonial Cheese Burger? Add a drone soda to that.
    Lets step on it.
    I am on my way to another regime change.
    Can't keep those shock and awe boyz waiting.

    1. They're gonna love Merca whether they want to or not.

  4. I am SUCH a flatlander, even a picture of that road makes me dizzy. Urp!

  5. It's not that bad really. It's the pile of cars at the bottom that went over the edge that bothers people.

    Kidding of course.

  6. Roads like that didn't bother me when I was young. Now that I'm (gulp)old, I'd have to think about it a long time before I'd attempt it. I read about it and is sounds fun/scary. Incredible picture!

  7. LOVE YOUR HEADER AGAIN!!!! Have you have gone over Schofield pass...the cars at the bottom are real...and very smashed.


  8. No I have not and by the looks of the pictures I do not own a vehicle that would like it. Yikes!

  9. Britain had the sepoys in India, we set Apache agains Apache to track down Geronimo. In military terms they're referred to as irregular troops. Caesar used German cavalry to defeat the Gauls in his Gaulic wars. Nothing new under the sun. Our mercenary troops fulfill the same role as the French Foreign Legion. Fight the war let other people than your own die. Sooner or later you run out of money for logistical wars that don't give enough profit to the populations being taxed to fight them.

  10. Reminiscent of Franco's use of Moorish soldiers in the Spanish Civil War too. Common denominator? Fascists.

    1. The ones supposedly on our side the last couple days have been killing our guys and no one says squat.

      That is part of the plan I guess.

  11. Speaking of green on blue would be the same as admitting failure.
    And we can't have any of that now.
    Especially during an election cycle.

    1. To be fair it is being reported in the UK. Can see Zilch in America despite its devastating significance.

    2. They do report it Tony but the short pieces are around for only a bit to be covered up by other swill.

      Fact of the matter is that most don't care what the hell is happening just as long as the reality shows are on and that pre-season football has started.

      I've not been proud of my country for a very long time.
