
On Human Beings Again

Something like this was said before here and want to say it again.

West Africa was the place this guy started hearing "I'm a human being". I thought that was the corniest thing ever. I did not have a clue. It was a long time ago and much was learned then and since about other human beings.

How do you stop a runaway war machine that kills innocent human beings. The taste of Aurora and other places is of pure bile. Can America/our media reflect on what those innocents over there must feel. They do to a small extent but that is drowned out by the "good reasons" it's done so then it becomes okay. That and how hard they try and how sincere they are in making sure the drone missile strikes approved by our president don't kill innocent people. That mentality is supposed to make the killings okay too.

It's not okay and it should never have been allowed to become okay to do this to other human beings. We are now expanding our military presence in Africa not that we haven't been there. More will become cannon fodder there so corporations here can have theirs.

Coulda woulda shoulda I understand.

Change must happen for the good of ALL human beings.

Few can get that!  



  1. Absolutely right. These are our fellow human beings. The time for us vs. them should be over. It still seems a long way off, but we can practice it to the best of our ability in our own lives. Enough people do that and it can ultimately make a difference, I believe. The alternative is to not practice it and that's not an option for thinking and feeling people everywhere.

    1. If believers practiced what they preached that would be huge.

  2. Amen,Amen,AAAmen...!!! Very good post, however we'll never see the end to killing. War is money, power, control, land, etc. Don't count on the media to step up to the plate. They first incite, then criticize. Riding both ends of the war horse. You know I have reeeel problems with the media!!! Don't know if you knew that one year I gave up all media for lent??? You can't imagine the peace I felt...for 40 days!

  3. That picture really popped out at me. I have a very similar one in my house, taken from the same spot. Yours is better, though. I threw the TV away 15 years ago and haven't had one since. It's the only way for me to disengage from the insane world and just appreciate the one outside my own window.

  4. What a beautiful header! I have never seen the coast line like that...the colors are deep and rich. I don't watch tv either, Terry does, but it's things like Pass Time, Pinks all out...you see?


  5. I do see. Not sure about pass time. There are a few more coast pictures here.

