
Repuglicans - Always About The Jobs

Taking them away because that is their job. We know that but far too many other monkeys are just fine with that. 120 have been laid off at the Vestas plant just up the road out of a possible 400 I believe. This is pretty much a new plant.


  1. The Republicans of today simply astound me. Who do they think is going to buy their crappy products if there is no middle class left in this country? Maybe they're counting on the new middle classes in China and India. I guess since that's where their products are being made, it would be easier to sell them there. And what do they think is going to happen in this country when all the decent jobs are gone, everyone is going to go back to farming? How much farm property isn't owned by the huge corporations? Are all the unemployed people just going to disappear? Maybe they will, maybe the Republicans intend to draft them all into the next senseless war and sell the enemy big enough weapons to wipe them all out. It sounds dumb, but I can't make any sense out of ANYTHING they're doing. Nero comes to mind...the guys with all the power and money are not right in the head. And they don't even have lead poisoning to blame.

  2. There is something profound happening I'm beginning to think. It does not add up.

  3. Just wondering how many Vestas workers will vote for Mitt the Twit because you know it's all the black guys fault.

  4. I agree with Jan. HOWEVER...on to something a lot more fun! I LOVE your header and the CARROT MEN!!!


  5. Easy to get to and not far away. Just down the road there is another lone panel that contain many more. Something was going on her. I like all the art in Pintado Canyon. These happen to be the largest by far. Thanks for recognizing that important word "fun".
