
Students With Guns - In Class And Loaded For Bear

So Colorado's supremes overrule CU's gun ban in Boulder and professors get to take it or else. Have to assume this applies to open carry as well if the college can not ban them in any form it seems.

Can you imagine a classroom where the students wear guns even if it's just one being displayed in that class?

This is where we're at these days and down the road there will be a price to pay for throwing common sense out the window to appease what manipulated people perceive as "freedom". This shit ain't right.

BOULDER — University of Colorado Chancellor Phil DiStefano notified the Boulder campus faculty Tuesday afternoon that professors "do not have the right to shut down a class or refuse to teach" should they learn that one of their students is lawfully carrying a gun under a concealed-carry permit.And, DiStefano added, any faculty members who do so will be in violation of their contracts and face disciplinary action.DiStefano's message comes a day after Professor Jerry Peterson, chairman of the Boulder Faculty Assembly, told the Camera that, under his own "personal policy," he plans to cancel class if he ever learns any of his students are carrying firearms. A Colorado Supreme Court ruling this spring overturned CU's Boulder campus gun ban, and university officials say that students with concealed-carry permits are allowed to bring guns into classrooms and labs. 

From a piece in the Boulder camera this morning as well.

This makes no sense.


  1. Great header!!! Where was that taken? What was it made of? Really cool...

  2. In Vernal at the museum which is real cool with all life size dinosaurs and much inside as well.

    There are a couple more from there here.


  3. Ooh those are fun! Especially liked the flower in the road.

  4. The only reason why a student should be allowed to carry a weapon into class is if they are an off-duty police officer, who are required to be armed at all times when in public.

  5. From one who knows. Thanks Pat.

  6. Your header is a blast! We haven't ever been to Vernal...now I think we need to go. Love the flower in the road!


  7. I think they should. Off duty police or or not. Students would CC anyway. I WOuld
