
Simple Twit Kills Self Eating Roaches

This is news in the Empire. So maybe we are supposed to feel compassion and say how sorry we that this happened. I don't think so. Two other words come to mind - dumb ass! And because he wanted to win a python. Yup that makes it all add up the right way.

After downing more than 20 giant creepy-crawlies, Archbold vomited, collapsed and died. The grand prize has been put aside in his name and will be given to his estate.

Read more here: http://www.mcclatchydc.com/2012/10/08/170915/florida-man-dies-after-winning.html#storylink=cpy


  1. Maybe he should have smoked them. :)

  2. Dry 'em out. Grind 'em up. Fire something up and take big hits and I bet you can get off one way or the other.

  3. I think he won a Darwin award.
    Pretty kitty.

  4. Any thing that moves is not safe.

  5. The gene pool is a little cleaner now.

  6. The allergy thing is the only thing that makes sense, since these particular cockroaches are a common food item in many places in the world. Heck, I know someone who's eaten them before, he's a Marine and that was part of his training. He said he tries not to remember the taste but when you're hungry enough you'll eat anything :).
