

It's not that one but this -

CHINO - A large fight broke out between dozens of parents Saturday at a Jr. All American football game at Ayala Park and officers donned riot helmets to deal with the combatants."We only had our helmets on for our protection because when you get a call of a fight between two and three hundred people, you want to be protected," said police Sgt. Frank Mena.No one was seriously injured during the fisticuffs, and most of the battling parents ran off as officers made their way into the park, Mena said.

Aside from the fact it was a kids game that the adults present and there were a lot of them could not control their anger over a stupid ass competition that means little really. Then everyone runs like rats when the sirens wailed I'm sure was the scenario.

Not meant to be funny but I'm glad no one pulled out guns. I'd pay to know how many were packing. Probably very few. So they say more guns is the answer.

I don't think so. Never did and won't.


  1. That's the fundamental problem with gunners: their understanding of human nature is way too benign.

  2. Ya - gunners. I have some guns but yes I am not a "gunner".

  3. LOVE your header!!! Your tree must be beautiful!

    It's snowing here!


    ¸.•*¨*•♪♫♫♪Merry Christmas to you ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥

  4. New term for me -- gunners. Being a gunner seems to be a fad lately. Dangerous road -- barbara
