
Book'm Saeed

WTF anyway! The religiously insane are incapable of getting it. This is fine by me. To many this idiot is probably some type of martyr.   

An American pastor who has been jailed in Iran since September has been sentenced to eight years in prison, the U.S. State Department said Sunday.

When you have the American Center for Law and Justice involved then you know the use of the word insane is on target.


  1. Love it! I should post about a young lady that came into the camping department where I was working and told me that god had told her to hike into one of these countries and preach the word... She needed camping/hiking supplies.... hahaha!

  2. Yes you maybe should. I'd read it for sure.

  3. What is an American pastor doing preaching in a Muslim nation? How would evangelicals here in your town of mine react to a group of Muslims handing out copies of the Quran and talking to people about Allah outside the front of your church on Sunday?
    It is bad enough to deal with those old ladies from Johoval Witnesses with copies of the Watchtower every Saturday morning.
    Greet them in you underwear and they won't come back - Don't have a boner on - they might not leave...

    What all of this with the pastor in jail is about is witnessing for Christ. Yes, I know that the Bible says to do so. But, going to a Muslim nation and preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ is insanity.

    I hope he likes the food....


    1. He's lucky he didn't get things cut off. This and that in the article about time and transparency plus other nonsense. He was doing just that and deserves no sympathy. Not even just a little bit.

  4. Apparently justice varies from place to place. Am I right? Sure, let's spread that motherfucking Democracy, shall we?

  5. I'm no libertarian anymore but this actually comforts me. Once Upon a Time.

