
Channelling Alberto

I assume this is true.

Drone strikes on Americans on U.S. soil are LEGAL, says confidential Justice Department memo.

More importantly and even worse -

The U.S. government can do so even if there is no clear evidence that the American targeted is engaged in an active plot to attack the U.S. 

There will be little opposition from Congress about this and sure as hell none from the bama cuz because he is the Droner in Chief.

Are you proud of your country because I sure as hell am not. bama and the chimp are one in the same when it comes to killing!

I'm so sick of this shit.


  1. I agree completely with what you've said here. Goosestepping to the left is as insane as it is to the right. People are following Obama like he can do no wrong and I'm having trouble seeing what he's done that's so right. And by right, I mean moral, ethical, and good for the world.

  2. And I meant to add: I don't know when I've disliked a politician/ public servant more than Alberto Gonzales. What a slimy bastard he was.

  3. Yikes. I guess it's time to buy a fully automatic AK-47...


  4. I understand that AK-47s are more effective than Patriot missiles in shooting down drones.


  5. Of course yes! People want to believe so badly. Can we just have something go our way for a change. Like the filibuster. It was never going to happen and this was going to happen for sure.

  6. If this was proposed during the Bush regime you would never hear the end of it from the liberal blogosphere but I guess since it's a democrat president we had better not make a fuss about it. I do get upset about a lot of what Obama does and doesn't do as president but he was the lesser of two evils so...

  7. Agree with Life as I know it...I'm unhappy with Obama, but he sure is better than that angry McCain or special pant wearing Romney. my bad...

  8. Obama has never closed Gitmo yet he has never sent anyone there. He kills his enemies instead, regardless of the number, now in the hundreds, of innocents killed with these people.His collateral damage makes him immoral as hell.

    Saying he is the lesser of two evils is a bullshit argument and isn't true on many issues. He continues so many of the horrible Bush era tactics and actually has his AG fight for them in court....so don't tell me he is a nice, moral man..he isn't. Voting for him on that reasoning(lesser of two evils) is complete and utter crap. If you have a soul and a conscience, you would of voted for a third party individual or refuse to vote period....which I don't suggest as voting is an important right we need to consider a duty in my opinion.

  9. Tom, this line: Are you proud of your country because I sure as hell am not. bama and the chimp are one in the same when it comes to killing! really says a lot. I am sick of people telling me to support Obama and his killing or how about the fact that he has sent more undocumented immigrants back than Bush ever did? No I am not proud of our country and I wonder how the stooges at the Nobel Peace Prize board feel now after giving him one when he was first elected.

  10. I think this is called The Big Reveal.

  11. You said all that was on my mind but better Dusty. Just sick of it and I just don't think we're wrong on this. This drone thing here will become a monster over a period of time. I believe in Due Process I very much do. It really doesn't make shit bit of difference because we'll never get our way anyway.

    Ya the peace prize bull shit. I wouldn't have the nerve to show my face in public after that.

  12. Nothing but T & A.

    Tits and ass.

  13. aka The Patriarchy. Oops.

  14. Full disclosure: I follow Twisty/Jill wherever she goes although I often disagree with her, m'kay?

    Yes, I Blame the Patriarchy. But Twisty has rightfully retired, alas.
