
No Way No How

Absolutely this evil man would never get anywhere close to my loved ones. I'm sure many are hoping the new top robe will be more inclusive so followers stop calling the bullshit and leaving.

The question that needs to be asked of the possible candidates is "How many boys do you have under your belt".

Colorado native among last babies kissed by Pope Benedict XVI  No linky - crap like this doesn't need to be spread around.


  1. Glinda: Aren't you forgetting the ruby slippers?
    Witch: The slippers, yes! The slippers.

    Sorry, can't help but laugh at the whole Il Papa vetting thingy .. "Who Gets The Ruby Slippers".
    What Benny the Rat and Co. are guilty of is NO laughing matter, though.
    Saw the below pic over to Tengrain's place .... the comparison is strikingly accurate, n'est ce pas?

  2. YIKES!!

    The next several weeks will be another diversion over real issues while credibility will be given to these sick fuckers in Rome. It's a crime what they do to young minds.

  3. I'm thinking THIS time around it may be a little different, what with all the problems and controversy facing the next "Infallible By Charism" Mad Hatter. Might turn out like the Orange Boner's job as Squeaker Of The House ... everybody TALKED like they wanted that job but in the end they all said "Nahhh ... YOU keep it, JayBo! I don't need the aggravation!"

  4. The guy from Ghana would jump at that. Masses of the mind fucked will be in awe of the upcoming drama and the pure bull shittery of the whole thing. This is not news. I know where the bama can put a few drones to make the world a better place from the evil.
