
The Defense Dept Will Not Grind To A Halt

Glancing over this piece it makes it appear as though the military and most of what it does will not function.

Bullshit and don't believe it for a second. If some shooting needs to be done you can damn well bet we'll be able to do that and much more as required. You betcha!

I want to see much more of our defense budget shot out the barrels of all the guns we don't need and the money be used here at home.  We can adapt.

The nonsense coming down the road will be almost unbearable. Count on that too.

Tanks would not roll, fighter jets would be grounded and aircraft carriers might be stuck dockside. In addition, the Defense’s Department 800,000-member civilian workforce likely would go without paychecks at times. By the end of September, two-thirds of U.S. Army combat troops would be “unacceptable”. I think we’re going to have serious readiness effects. I don’t see where we’re going to get the money. We’re going to have to cut back on training significantly.” “The effects of sequestration on the military will be devastating, but on our civilians, it will be catastrophic,”.

Read more here: http://www.mcclatchydc.com/2013/02/20/183710/without-a-budget-accord-pentagon.html#storylink=cpy

Read more here: http://www.mcclatchydc.com/2013/02/20/183710/without-a-budget-accord-pentagon.html#storylink=cpy

Read more here: http://www.mcclatchydc.com/2013/02/20/183710/without-a-budget-accord-pentagon.html#storylink=cpy

Read more here: http://www.mcclatchydc.com/2013/02/20/183710/without-a-budget-accord-pentagon.html#storylink=cpy



  1. The Pentagon's propaganda machine is going full bull goose loony.

  2. In the end they will probably have even more and you're correct Fearguth.

  3. I bet back in the day you were pretty good spit ball shooter. Maybe they could use ya. Nah, Yer not trainable

  4. Yup but I was pretty decent with the spitballs though.

  5. Your defence 'policies' are as bonkers as ours. The UK military could be reduced by 50% with all the savings entailed, and nobody would notice outside the military. The footprint abroad would probably be enhanced.

  6. Without a doubt Tony and the word waste has not been heard. it's just plain sick. Your Empire shit the bed some time ago and ours is happening now.

  7. It's time Obama called the Grover Norquist bullshit heaad on and let the nation see just how much government is needed and needs to be paid for by taxing the rich.

  8. Wouldn't that be nice if he took positions like that Pat. He has to be very careful because he is more one of them than one of us.
