
Happy States

I happen to live in one and all in all am pretty damn happy. Hope you guys are as well. I do think this is accurate and for the correct reasons.

Unhappiest states are in red; happiest ones are in green.

America has a sadness belt stretching contiguously from Ohio to Louisiana, according to data on national well-being released today. The ten states in this belt — Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky, West Virginia, Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, and Oklahoma — trail the rest of the country when it comes to emotional health, physical health, and general quality of life.


  1. Money cannot buy happiness; it can buy beer...

    Evansville, Indiana

    1. And I just brought some home from town.

  2. That red and orange group in the south also now has the first decline in life expectancy for women. Imagine that, poverty, lack of women health care, schools stopped teaching home economics so no one knows how to cook instead buy crap. People live longer in Croatia and Cuba.

  3. And that's a fact yf. It's my impression and I'm not trying to be anything here that many are proud of being "redneck" thus endorsing your comment.

  4. Well, I'm happy and I live in a Happy State!

    Interesting post!!!


  5. It's better living in a Happy State for sure.

  6. I'm happy living in my state. I'll be happier when some of the people who moved here in the past 20 years go back to where they came from. To clarify, I'm not talking about illegal aliens, but about people who moved here from the sad states.

  7. OK...I obviously am not thinking right or reading right! What's the blue states mean??? ...and don't tell me it's where people don't think or read right...

    1. It means you Kansas people aren't quite as happy as the people in the green(most happy)states but I think you are one of the more happy people in Kansas.

      That other place you brought up is across the state line in Misery. They aren't so happy. You're not from there are you?????

    2. No, I'm from Kansas. Funny, I never ever wanted to live in Missouri. I think I really agree with this map. And this is probably why I go to Co so often! I'm a Sag, a 4X's Sag...the eternal optimist/happy person... What's that line by Chevy Chase in Christmas Vacation.."I'm so hap hap happy, I'm practically whistling zip-pity doh da out my ass." hahaha

  8. I'd be very interested in knowing, how this matches up with how religious the sad areas are... Anyone with the info????

  9. For the most part that thought has merit. On the other side you take the fact that the country is full of believers everywhere - it means then that in the Happy States there must be plenty of believers who are happy as well or something like that.

    If I moved to one of those red states you can damn well bet I would NOT be happy!!

  10. Who conducted this survey, what was the population. Surveys can be made to come out however it benefits those contracting the survey to be done. One thing I learned in a stat class is be leary of the population and the variables. How so you think the pharma industry sells us a bill of goods on ceratin meds -- tweeking studies --- barbara

  11. Word on the street says the Happy States conducted this study.
