
Horseface Whinnies

This guy is a nobody. He's doing the bidding of the 1% on behalf of our failed government. He gave up when we needed him and all he's doing is using up good air.

Same old shit from the mouths of bought off whores.
Kerry said: “The US is committed to an enduring partnership... The US supports a strong and united Afghanistan.

Some think this is news worthy.


  1. That must be evidenced by the change from U.S. administration of torture centres like Bagram from US military control to local initiatives designed to support the puppet government....which is going to get a budget to support all this repression from where ?

  2. Interesting header! It's just interesting... I like the fencing and isn't there a bird in that pen too???

  3. Is not there always money for that kind of thing opit.

  4. Yes that is a bird TMoon. This is the place where the ox cart is. Most of the time it's shady and difficult to get a good picture plus it's a ways away.

  5. Look at those horribly thin cows...me thinks they must have worms!


  6. There are a bit slim. It's tough right now. It's rained one time in three months. Not much growing at all to eat.

  7. My ears just shut down lately to all this government hype!!! Gibberish! -- barbara

    1. It certainly is not news and all I look at is the header and that most of the time is all that one needs as you know what the rest of it is going to say.

      I wish there was a way not to see any national nonsense and only read local but that's impossible as you can see headers out of the corner of your eyes that are put everywhere.

  8. Never mind all that gubmint nonsense back to here! Are you enjoying good health, good weather, good food and good friends? THAT'S the stuff of which Life is made! Hope you are well, enjoying yourself, and have all those things within reach. Us? What we need are more of your very interesting photos and stories of the 'local color'! Enjoy, 'Fly .....

    1. Thanks for that bj. I am home and got back on the 29th. I caught something before I left and this Friday will be two weeks. Cold like and don't feel worth a shit. I know nothing not that I knew that much before. I never get sick and this is getting to be old shit I tell you.

  9. Hope you get to feeling better, ol' chum. You think it's the GOING to "Pura Vida" that made you ill? Or the having to come BACK? heh

    1. I got sick there bj and it's two weeks today. I am a just a bit better. I actually slept in my bed for four hours last night. I thought today would be the start of the turnaround. WRONG!
      Blogging I could just give a shit about right now. I don't ever remember being sick for this long in my life.

    2. Okay .... two more weeks later. Hope everything's alright with you and you're just taking a well deserved break. No pressure but holla back atta brutha' and let us know yer O.K.. O.K.? O.K..

  10. I don't always understand you. But I always come back to you.
