
New pope Sends His Chump Out To Sell Message That Raper Priests Are Not Criminals

It might work some places but not here. It's a illness ya see and is correct in the sense they are sick. Evil sick bastards that is. There can be no passes on behavior like child rape and cover up by those involved with the catholic church,

This is not news but a propaganda effort in an attempt to sway opinion on just how evil these people really are. 

Pedophilia is an illness NOT a crime, says cardinal just days after papal conclaveClaimed people abused as youngsters who then become pedophiles 'not criminally responsible'Says pedophilia 'is an illness, not a criminal condition'Says those people do not deserve to be punished because they are damaged

It needs to be said here that there is at least a rebuttal from an organization and person who assist those who have been harmed by the "men of god".

But basically this is a piece that tries to make these men and this organization seem like pretty decent fellows that have a disease so no harm no foul.  


  1. What??? If so, I know a cure...

  2. I'll bite - what would that be?

    1. One Fly,
      I imagine that Turquoise Moon is taking about castration for pedophiles - which Sarge concurs with. Which raises a question in this old sergeant's mind. If catholic priests swear to die as virgins - why do those "fathers" need balls if they aren't going to do any fathering? I say once they are ordained they are to become eunichs.
      Come on! If all you are going to do is run water through the thing - Why do you need balls....?
      Now, the catholics may have one idea about priests and pedophilia - I assure you, the county prosecuting attorney has other views.
      Which brings up yet another issue - Why not let priests get married and get their ashes hauled - Maybe that would get their mind off of that chubby red-headed altar boy's ass...


    2. I plead cornfield Sarge. I missed that by more than a mile. Very good points and I thank you for yuk yuks!!

  3. I guess now we know which guy the pedo-beanies voted for.

  4. Yup.Nothing Has Changed.This Is A Hugh P.R, Exercise.

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. It's time for those affected, to start taking the law into their own hands, to capture the offenders, and prosecute them with extreme prejudice

    1. You sound like some crazy tbagger. I do not have a problem with believers as long as they know their place and stay out of politics. It is America ya know.

  7. Pedophilia and a belief in religious dogma seem to go hand in hand, don't they? So they will each continue unabated, one by the other .....
    And .... has anyone else noticed an increase in the use of the term "extreme prejudice" lately? Concurrent with an increase in the sale of firearms and ammunition. I must be watching the wrong movies, I reckon ...

  8. You're not watching or doing anything wrong at all bj. This is where this country is at and we continue to think we are exceptional to most other places.

  9. This is not about the Catholic church, but I just read it and thought you would appreciate it, too.

