
Certainly You Didn't Think

The recent supremes decision on campaign contributions was going to be any different or that future ones made by them will help us instead of the 1%.  No you're too smart for that.

And who readily and willingly assisted  in putting these evil bastards on the Supreme Court bench? democrats and they are not really that when they do shit like this.

And the 1% media leads you to believe there is a way out of our problems. There is not. Not like this anyway. We are soooo screwed and few get it just how screwed that really is.


  1. Hahaha .. I love the info under your header image ... ditto! :)

    I think I'll steal this image for my blog with all due attribution ... :)

  2. Linked over from Teresa's posting of your clowns. Your words are so true. This whole govt/corporate takeover of our country is growing by leaps and bounds. Like in chess we have been checkmated. Everyday I read about another wacky govt proposal check out this latest that I found yesterday -- http://blogs.nicholas.duke.edu/thegreengrok/obama-takes-bold-step-to-geoengineer-climate-change/
    What does it take for folks to wake up.

  3. Thank you ladies!! I like that term checkmated. I basically read just the headers of articles anymore because just do not want the whole story as it gets depressing it very much does. I do see people on the left thing the GOP is harmed in several ways. Look out after Nov because this guy thinks the R's will take the Senate. This is where we are at as a country and this latest ruling may just very well make that difference.

  4. Killer Klowns from Outer Space!

  5. These klowns will only make you laugh if your counting money in your private jet on your way to the Caymans, then it's funny as hell.

  6. Very well said. No computer yet...one finger typing on an ipad.

