
What's The Dif

I can understand how this can happen in places like this.

The mob who descended upon the clinic accused Doctors Without Borders health workers of bringing Ebola to Guinea, where there had never previously been any cases.

Here in respect to Climate Change there's this -

The number of Americans who believe global warming isn't happening has risen to 23 percent, up 7 percentage points since April 2013.

Ignorance is at work here with both of these issues. There is a huge difference at play between the two. In the good 'ol US&A. The 1% controls what little discussion there is manipulating opinion and breeding ignorance with their media. Then buying our government so that there is dead lock fuels the ignorant and those many willing to be mislead into believing falsehoods including that ALL guvmint is bad let alone Global Warming is not true.

Then just a bit ago I saw this and was able to grab it and copy before the pay up screen blocked all unless I coughed up 99 cents to read the denver Whore Post something that has just been instituted. Aren't corporations wonderful. Here is a link as they may let a newbe read a couple before they want some of the less we all have these days. link

BACA COUNTY —Topsoil blew into a dark cloud that swept across the flat landscape of southeast Colorado once again Monday afternoon. Footsteps leave dust in loose pockets and grit in the teeth of those who speak. The land pays a bigger price. After nearly four years of deep drought, wind-churned dust has become a slow-moving natural disaster. Comparisons to the Dust Bowl are no longer hyperbole — they're accurate.


  1. aaaaah...is that green I see???

  2. There are leaves on some bushes and it is starting to change. I cheated here because this plant pretty much stayed green all winter. I know how balmy it must be by now at your place TMoon.
