
Trouble In Irak - Eh?

ISIS running around shooting shit and people up at random.

Kinda like the good 'ol days of Blackwater.


  1. Yeah ... but when WE were doing it ....
    I just dunno anymore, 'Fly. I read an article this morning that said Iraqis who fled Mosul prefer the jihadists to the Iraqi government(http://www.nytimes.com/2014/06/13/world/middleeast/iraqis-fled-mosul-for-home-after-militant-group-swarmed-the-city.html). If that's the case ... why did they ... 'flee'? But help is on the way from the Iraqis ally and neighbor ... IRAN! I just don't get it .... shiites, sunnis, ISIS, The Taliban .... all of them ... ALL of them are not werth the life of ONE of America's sons or daughters. IMO ...
    thanks for posting and letting me get this off my chest.

  2. I'm basically defeated but occasionally something gets blurted out. Giving a shit doesn't change much if anything. Been that way a long time. Frankly few give a shit like us people.

    Why the surprise with the Cantor slug. This is where so many are at now. Few said boo with bush and Irak. Now people it seems in public are continually making references to "government" at all levels being the "cause" of what have you. This has been going on for at least a year. Out of the blue stuff from people as well. It like they have a need to tell other that they have now realized that government is basically all bad. It's weird actually but it's what I've been observing in my limited travels and small local. It wasn't like this back in early 2000.

    Results of this election could be real scary.

    And I dunno anymore either bj. I really don't. Going Tues to Mexico to check out a place for the winter. Seems like it needs to be done. Won't be thinking about this kinda shit and that's a plus.

  3. Have fun this coming week!


    1. I will and it should be pretty much of a no brainer.

  4. One Fly, the reason you hear so much blame put on the government these days is because Obama is supposedly in charge, and the right wing nut jobs are intent on blaming everything they can on him. So when they blame "the government," they mean Obama, he's the devil's right-hand man ya know? And if only one of the right wing whackos was in charge, you know God would be happy and all would be right in the world again.
