
"Living In Mexico Is Like Camping Except You Have Four Walls Around You"

A friend made that comment early this year when I was here in Nogalito. It's fair to include "the tropics" in general. It's warm and humid for sure.

It's good to be back! Was fairly certain that would be the case. Old friends/acquaintances are happy to see me as I them. Feels good. Last several days have been chasing several items down that are important.

One is a propane grill and the other is a recliner. There are just a couple choices found with each and think we'll go in and pull the trigger on both today. I hope the recliner is still there.

Grilling is important me and need to increase the ways I can cook. The chair is even more important as issues and not good ones crop up if a chair is not good for me. The ones in mi casa are not that bad but bad enough to already be a literal pain in the ass. Friends just up the road have torture chairs. It's true. Neither of these two items are perfect but they will do quite nicely and am ready to eat fresh caught grilled pescado.

Stuff like that. A picture just because. It's the road in and out of town. Puerto Vallarta is known as town.


  1. I loved our visit to that very town. Good luck with your purchases!


  2. That road looks very nice ... and fresh fish ... sounds like a good way to spend the winter ... so glad you got to go back...:)

    1. Nice to hear from you Teresa. And it's the only road btw. Did spend big bucks for the grille and chair that just got brought home and Mon go and pick up some things like fish on the south side of Vallarta. Been a bit busy but not for much longer.

  3. We're still having summer here in Garland---in the 90s today.

  4. Warm back in CO too. Today was the warmest I've experienced here. All been real good so far.

  5. Have you tried a hammock rather than a recliner ? A lot of people enjoy them more than a recliner, especially in the tropics.

  6. Hammocks will create severe back issues for me as do most of the chairs here.

  7. Grilled fish is healthy; a good chair is also a matter of health. And of course the weather has a great impact on one's well being.

    1. Yes! Temperatures and humidity are pretty intense but that will lessen in several weeks.
