
3000 troops to Afghanistan

Are you aware of Dien Bien Phu? The French had their asses handed to them on a plate in Vietnam. It was only because of intense negotiations they were saved and the French left the country immediately. We lost in Vietnam and no matter what the war loving pundits say today it was never going to be won. The Russkies also got served up on a platter in Afghanistan of course with our assistance to the mujahedeen turned Taliban now Al Qaeda with stinger missiles. Ask them if they ever want "their Vietnam" again.

Now we are sending 3000 more to do what. Something the neo killers want but not our county. Will the battle be won? Ask the Russians or the French they'll tell you. Ask Bush and he'll tell you the same old worn out bull shit. The invasion of Afghanistan was planned well before 911. Now this is being waged in Iraq the biggest air campaign since '06. Our country is being run by a small bunch of delusional religiously insane people.

Commanders tout success of Iraq strikes
Does this mean we can come home now? What ever happened to "we'll stand down when they stand up" What about the training of the couple hundred thousand Iraqis that were to take the place of ours? Lies all of them because the intention of these neo-crooks from the beginning was to invade and then stay. That has never changed nor will it until we force them to.

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