
Bush And The Royal Treatment

Bush Prods Saudi Arabia on Oil Prices
New York Times

Published: January 16, 2008

RIYADH, Saudi Arabia —
President Bush urged the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries on Tuesday to take into account the toll that high oil prices are having on the American economy, gingerly touching on an issue that has begun to color the last year of his presidency and dominate the presidential election campaign.

Speaking to a group of Saudi entrepreneurs and later in an interview with reporters, Mr. Bush expressed his concern about the economy in some of his starkest language yet, saying that rising oil and gasoline prices are causing hardship for American families.

“It’s affected our families,” Mr. Bush told reporters, adding that he would raise the issue with the Saudi leader, King Abdullah, during a meeting on Tuesday evening at the king’s lush horse farm in the desert outside Riyadh. “Paying more for gasoline hurts some of the American families.”

As Mr. Bush himself acknowledged, it was not clear that his entreaties could have any significant effect on oil prices. He said the demand for oil, especially from expanding markets in China and India, as well as from the United States, was rising faster than supplies.

Saudi Arabia’s oil minister, Ali al-Naimi, appeared to rebuff the president’s appeal, though he did so gently. “We will raise production when the market justifies it,” he said at a press conference after Mr. Bush’s remarks.

And then they both started laughing and proceeded to gorge themselves on fresh monkey brains.

How pathetic can this guy get?
He knows as well as I do that OPEC is going to do what is good for OPEC.
Bush is over there making people pretend that he is still relevant.
No one wants his ass there, especially those unfortunate enough to have to entertain the dangerous idiot and
trying to pretend he gives a rats ass about the average American family is the most insulting thing of all.
Everybody in the whole world is waiting for this guy to exit, stage left and are holding their breath until they see him stagger off into the sunset,one year and five , very long, days from now.
Give it up George, they don't like you either, maybe not for being a murderous ass clown, but for being the incompetent, swaggering spoiled brat that you are that makes rich folks everywhere cringe and hide the liquor.

Posted By Bustednuckles

Cross Posted at Ornery Bastard


  1. thanks for the post busted and the excellent follow up comments
