
Sarpanch burnt to death by villagers

Read this short article and went straight for the dictionary. You probably know what a sarpanch is. I did not. This guy was raising hell but this is how the locals took care of their sarpanch. By the way a sarpanchni is a sarpanch's assistant.

1 comment:

  1. Well ya got me with that one, thanks for putting up the Wiki link.
    Those folks don't mess around when they get pissed, obviously.

    I see you are getting lot's of snow. We been getting clobbered out here up in the higher elevations. One of the ski slopes up on MT Hood has 170 inches of base already. Luckily, none down low,. We did have a freak tornado make a pass through locally the other day. It touched down just one mile from where I was at work. Now that was a thunderstorm, I'll tell you.
    First one we have had since 72.
    No injuries or deaths, which is a miracle after seeing the damage.

    Stay warm and dry, winter is just getting started.
