
We The People Have Lost Our Champion

I woke up a little early this morning before the alarm.
While I was lying there, scratching myself, the alarm went off.
It is set to the local liberal station in Portland and Peter DeFazio was being interviewed.
I like DeFazio,I grew up and lived in Oregon most of my life.
Peter an announced that John Edwards is dropping out of the bid for President.

I almost turned off the alarm and called in sick.

We have lost our Champion because of a corrupt and complicit media.
This pisses me off, severely and I don't have time to go off because I have to get my ass is gear and go to That Place.
Edwards was too much of a threat to Corporate America and could not be allowed to get near that big of a selection of the levers of Power.

I sincerely hope that if one of the Remaining candidates takes back the Whitehouse that they find a spot for him so he can go hunting down these sonsabitches that have raped our country and stuck the money in a bag and strutted off.

We have lost a giant opportunity today.

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