
Marching Democracy

Baghdad bombs kill at least 64. We can not imagine what life must be like in this county. We are responsible for this but more importantly it is the killer chimp and the neo-thugs who are the real dealers in death. This will never change never! They hate us and will always hate us and it is not insurgents it is Iraqi's doing this and we are the cause. All for goddamn lies. These low lifes and media can spew bull shit all day long about progress in this country we occupy and it is just that-bull shit. This is so fucking disgusting!!! And now this idiot wants to cut billions from health programs so he can have plenty to kill at will in Iraq.
Make that at least 73 dead as we march Iraq along the road to democracy. Bastards! Make it an even 100. Sonsofbitches


  1. If that foot in the picture had a Nike tennis shoe on it and was in downtown Des Moine Iowa, there would be a different outlook in this country.

  2. Thanks for writing this.

  3. Tana,
    Of course you are welcome. That was some time ago and in recent days have been thinking about posting another as the violence was bad this last weekend and today. Because of you I will do that for tomorrow as it's important to remind Iraq is still a killing field.

    Thanks for visiting! tb
