
Peace Corps Volunteers Asked To Spy By Bush Whores

Came home and saw this and can not tell you how much this has pissed me off. As a RPCV (abbreviation for Returned Peace Corp Volunteer) Ghana 77-79 the idea that a US embassy official would dare to even venture that proposition to a PCV anywhere is another example of how depraved these sonsofbitches are. Fresh out of that cornfield in '77 I can tell you if I had been approached in that manner naive as I was they would have been told to go fuck themselves. As it was at times people would say as I walked "CIA" because as you may or may not know the US fucked with Ghana as they have so many countries around the world.

Doing a bit more research ran across Bolivia Rising a place one might want to look at now and again and has been included in my blogroll. The neo-killers hate Hugo and Evo because they stand for all that they are not. I can tell you the masses of humanity in the Third World understand completely the dynamics of the United States meddling and how it affects them directly. Here we have a nation of sheep who do not even have a fucking clue. Jesus fucking christ! The people of Central and South America will not let themselves be denied Democracy not ever again.


  1. Van Schaick said he met Thursday with Bolivian Foreign Minister David Choquehuanca to report the incident.

  2. Fuck, I never thought I'd find another person who understood this. You're so right, OneFly, so fucking right. Damn, I'm glad I found your corner of Blogtopia (y,Sctp!).

  3. hey way to go, i am a rpcv also and agree with you but congrats you almost make the case for the fuckaroo's that we are a bunch on idealistic radicals with little more than idle banter to contribute intelligently.

    try making a point without all the f bombs.

    but if you can't fuck it, go with what everyone else does.

    read memoirs of an economic hitman, then you'll have a clue to how sinisterly twisted the peace and development game gets.

    fuck'n A.
