
Chances Are Good

Most sites that I visit and the links within them to blogs contain intelligent thoughtful material. It's more than fair to state all of us know the story of this administration. We are informed and aware. There will be just one story used as example here.

Simply it concerns how the information that led to Spitzer was acquired. A trolling expedition.

This administration has done what ever it wants because it can many times enabled by those who are supposed to be on my side your side our country's side.

Common sense tells me the total lack of accountability or over site particularly when it stretches into years worth does not add up or make sense not even a little bit.

The example I will use out of what must be thousands by now is Valarie Plame. This may be the worst case of treason in the history of this country combined with the fact she worked on WMD's in the region that includes the country that we invaded and now occupy on lies. It's like it never happened. It is the same for all the other story's as well. It cannot be added up and does not make sense.

What does makes sense to me is the following as they have all the tools at their disposal to accomplish such a task.

Simply put-I firmly believe they have used these tools and will use the term blackmailed many key people in government and whoever or whatever they feel is a threat to them. When lies from them kill so many common sense tells me that same threat is being used along with much else and that is why we are in the state we are. That is the one thing that does add up. Look the fuck out!

1 comment:

  1. Pretty much. When a pretty lady with some moral integrity occupies the MidEast nuclear threat desk, it will not do to leave that situation as is : especially when it seems that Iraq WMD is now to be followed by Iran WMD : equally bogus nonsense.
    I recall reading an interesting article in RIA Novosti where the differences in tech between what Iran has and what they are accused of being up to was laid out. Rather like serving up a bicycle as a menace of bulldozer proportions.
    I keep a Canadian site listed which made a point of translating the speeches of Ahmadinejad, BTW. They don't sound much like what was 'reported' by the MSM.
    Opit's Linkfest
