
Need to Leave

How do I say this quickly as I need to pack up and drive hundreds of miles filled with emotion in an attempt to see my Dad for what appears to be the last time. Spoke with him late yesterday afternoon and shortly after that he was taken to the hospital. The weather is really shitty here and there.

Feel I need to say this. I was stuck by the level of violence and the rapid disintegration of the surge in Iraq yesterday. My father and and all the old veterans were and are so pissed of at what our country has done there and from the beginning these war lovers refused to listen to the voice of reason and reality.

My Dad had a good life raised a family and contributed as most of us do. This country has taken that away from millions in Iraq. What has been done to these people is unforgivable. I will continue to do whatever I can out of respect to my Dad and all the other vets to get us out of Iraq. The cornfield will no longer be home.

This is one of my favorite picures of my Dad. It was taken in France 1945.


  1. prayers and positive thoughts for a safe journey and that you arrive in time to say any goodbyes that need to be said.

  2. my thoughts and hopes to you OF

    your dad is one good soul.......

    what a great pic of him in France.

    my dad is also a WW2 vet and finds the whole mess in iraq disgusting and tragic as well

  3. Damn.
    God speed and best wishes.

  4. Hey, OneFly,

    Wishing you all the best. You know where I live, if you wanna talk.

  5. Thanks for the kind thoughts guys!
