
Spitzer aka DUMB ASS!

I don't care what this guy does in his spare time I could fucking care less it's none of my business until you get caught!! Must be nice to spend so much getting who knows what when you've actually done a lot of positive things. Your sex life used to be your own now it's everybody's. Dumb fucker!

Shit like this really pisses me off for several reasons. First Dems are seldom in the news for this kind of behavior. The weird bastards are on the other side and there has been so many outed or caught and since you're a good Catholic if memory serves me it was perhaps straight sex which the poop would approve of.

The problem outside of being any number of negative things is the lame dick pundits and media will spin this like whore at a sheepherders square dance festival. In the end they will have the dumbed down in this country believing those on the left are the most depraved of all when the reality is the opposite. How far did the Jeff Gannon story go? It didn't even make it out of the box before it was dead even though he made at least 100 or was it 200 after hour visits to the White House of sin and squat was said. Is that a story- damn straight it was but yours will be and will make all of us look like sorry sacks of dried up bat shit.

Cross posted @ The Ornery Bastard

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