
Violence in Iraq 3/13/08

Mortar rounds hit the Green Zone this morning at 11.15. No casualties were reported. The US Military do not generally comment on indirect fire.

Indirect my ass you lying sacks of shit. These guys know exactly where the killers of their families are. Are we supposed to believe they're just pissing in the wind and got lucky how goddamn stupid is that? Stupid enough that all the stupids here take it as fact and that is news. I call bullshit.

Pentagon cancels release of controversial Iraq report.
What else would you expect from those whose primary mission is to cover the blood trail of those responsible. I don't play the lotto but if I did and won the big one I would give every penny away just to see murdering bastards swing like 'ol Saddam.

These people behind this killer hit it right out of the park today!!

Code Pink in action yesterday. Must be the same above. These women rock!


  1. that is a new one on me - they dont comment on indirect fire. so anyone killed who was not aimed at -- well they are not a statistic

    i dont blame bush or this war anymor e-- i blame the american public who lets the whiner/scumbag continue in public office

  2. Maybe when there's no gas to take the kiddies to the soccer game they will wake up. Can our society ever become aware I'm not sure.

  3. Here's a look at part of the problem

  4. Thanks for the link.
    One Fly
