

Update 4/24 - this turned out so well there's no need to have it covered plus his sight tests at 20/25. Doesn't get much better than that!!

A friend of mine had a cornea transplant yesterday. They replaced the covering for lack of proper term today. The eye was uncovered for less than ten seconds and he could see the doctor. He'll know more today when they evaluate his sight but it looks good. That makes me happy because his quality of life will improve greatly. Good old Amerika-no insurance so it cost over 9K to get this done but he may be able to see and that in itself is way too cool so all in all it's okay.


  1. Can't put a price on that.
    I was trying to figure out what the hell was on the back off that trakter.Thatsa pretty good sized picture and I'm still havin trouble.
    Yer friend is going to enjoy seeing. Ya can't much do better'n that after you have been able to do that and then have it taken away.

  2. It's a blade for grading that's angled so it doesn't catch the sides.

    I'll see my bud this evening and will get a better report.
