
Winning My Ass

The United States is now winning the war that two years ago seemed lost.

Just wanted to scream when I read this piece of shit article. A couple other beauts.

Insurgency as a whole has withered to the point where it is no longer a threat to Iraq's future.

That does not mean the war has ended

This is the message being played out in the media. Violence is down but still there have been 11 US troops killed this month. Iraq Today tells a bit of a different story with reports of incidents that to me are not acceptable.

Hard to believe those fighting are doing so to help Bushmiester and his gang as that's what it does so maybe there's something to it. Major violence can erupt at any time and will never believe for a moment that this war for whores will ever be won whatever that means.

4:55AM Suicide bombers kill 28 in Baghdad, 16 in Kirkuk

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