
Fucktard Persuader Is On It's Way

I chose this particular heater because it is very accurate as years ago I had the identical gun. Many say the bigger the better and I will not argue that point. This is cheap to shoot and will stop any low life that intends to fuck with me. With 10 rounds in anything if that doesn't do it I'm toast anyway.


  1. Yup. It'll get the job done. And fun to practice with.

  2. OK, but if you are going to shoot a fucktard, it's hard to beat a .45. There is a reason why the .45 has been the "gold standard" of personal defense rounds for 135 years.

  3. What the heck happened, One Fly?

    I think Earth Bound Misfit had some good advice. The bigger the bore, the more likely people are to go find someone else to harass.

  4. In this town you might need more than one fucktard persuader! Perhaps one for each hand and then some...
