
Where I Might Live

Update-redid the video that was on here and this isn't much better. There will be another taken from a different vantage point that I will put up when I get home. Have 300 to do so I'm outta here soon. Weather isn't all that good and hope to at least fish for a little while on the way back.

Since I arrived Friday afternoon it's been windy. Have not been doing any video because my desktop picture program is corrupt when it comes to manipulating videos. I'm at the ranch and am using the laptop. Told Busted I was going to put something up plus wanted to try this new camera. This is dark and poorly done and maybe early tomorrow before I leave if the wind isn't howling I'll get something better up.

Turn the sound down on these because there is so much wind
noise . These are not very good but wanted to show some friends
the ranch. It's not really a ranch but it was at one time. The name
is actually Bender West. We saved this old house and it was over
five years of hard work and improvements continue.

This is taken from the back of our property. The two mountains
are the Spanish Peaks.

The mountain range in this are the Sangre de Christo's. On the
other side is the San Luis valley where the Great Sand Dunes
National Monument is located along with many UFO sightings
and cattle mutulations.

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