
Another Reason This Bailout Will Be A Total Disaster

The plan , which the Bush administration sent to Congress late Friday.

If you read this article there is enough in it to see the end result will be totally fucked up as after all who's in charge.

They knew this was coming of course and the draft was sent to Congress on Friday. The problem is that there is also a bill involved a long one for sure and this was written long before now you can bet on it. Crafted by all those who will benefit from this debacle. Business as usual from the Bush whores and country rapists.

Within this article there are several references to how this needs to be done now and very quickly along with feigned outrage from the likes of Reid and Pelosi. Patriot Act ring a bell??
The last and in the end what will turn out to be a trillion plus give away to those that stole it another gift from these low life sonsofbitches that control our country.

Cenk Uygur writes this emotion filled piece on this issue hoping and explaining how BO can use this to his advantage. Will he? I'm not counting on it but I believe this could be a tipping point that could make the difference between winning and losing in November.

Cross posted @ Ornery Bastard


  1. Nice plane now I know what Brother was talking about. The bailouts are working! We are now $54 trillion in debt and the bankrupting of America is almost complete then things get worse as you know. Take care!

  2. and maybe it was the plan all along you know--they want to get rid of social security and the middle class and this is just the way to do it.

  3. Liberality
    Yhep it is total failure to us but total success to Bush!

  4. Here is a link to a post that states just the exactly what I believe about this clusterf**k:
    I wish it could be published in every paper and broadcast on the hour until the November election - and then daily until the lying bastard is convicted.

  5. Agreed Jeg- The Misfit out did herself for sure.

  6. anything bush touches turns to shit -- as this will

    he tried to kick the can down the road to 09, but got stuck with this
