
Executive Order #51

Make a point to go over to An Average American Patriot and read the post about the powers Bushmeister gave himself without even a whimper from the Dims and the prediction that comes with the post.

OTC has not gone there too much except to say a bunch look the fuck out(LTFO). It might be that in conversations when I said so many times this upcoming election there were three possible scenarios. 1. It is going to be stolen using a variety of ways. 2. Suspend the election because of whatever the monkey decides. 3. Along with suspension martial law will be declared because of whatever once again as the killer in charge has given himself that power.

When these things are brought up people look at me with bewilderment in their eyes because as I see it they have been propagandized/brainwashed and most still believe we have a democracy. I think our democracy is pretty much gone and we don't even know it. The next few weeks will determine that and more as I think the shit is really gonna hit the fan before then.

When a few take our country to war on lies and get away with it along with the help of the media rest assured these people will stop at nothing to keep power. They fear what ever little chance there is that in the future they may be held accountable for their actions and end up swinging like our old bud Saddam did. They deserve no less. LTFO!

Check out this post just pointed out to me by the AAPatriot and explain to yourself there's not something brewing. I'll believe this before I will anything coming from the mouths of these fascist bastards in charge.


  1. Thanks! We are screwed but we can't stop trying. I was just at Weasel Dog Lair and Wease had a video of Nancy Pfotenhauer saying the Republicans have dumped on us but the Democrats will be worse.
    No one could be worse. There is almost nothing left and President McAssHole is slated to finish us off unless as you allude to Bush does it!
    I just stopped by to say I was linking to you. Take care!

  2. I am linked to you now so unless I am tied up I will be by every day! I was just going through your posts and we are on the same page!
