
Screwed Here And Out There

Events here locally are identical to what is and has happened on a national level. You have a few very vocal players who have been able to shape public opinion with innuendos falsehoods and lies. We know people believed the lies that got us into Iraq. Lies work quite nicely when used correctly no damn doubt about it. Then you reframe the issue into something else and wa-la there you have it.

Identical too because you have the local print media giving them the forum and participating aggressively in stirring the pot and shaping opinion with there own mudslinging innuendo and complete falsehoods. A true fish wrapper in every sense of the word. Combined with a new columnist with a wingnut back round who consorts with and is a good buddy
with a local slug who is a known racist and bigot who does not even live here and who is actively stirring up trouble behind the scenes. Sick sick shit I tell you!

These are my observations and if there is a point to be made it would be that it's hard enough to fight back against lies but when you have to fight the media too that stacked deck is ever so difficult to beat. Sonsofbitches all!

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