
Senator Saladbar Talks Drilling

House Democrats will push next week for an energy plan that includes limited expansion of offshore drilling, requires power plants to use alternative fuels and demands oil companies pay additional royalties.

Don't shit yourself. Believe it when you see it because the San Louie sheep rancher went on to say
The legislation from the so-called "Gang of 20" hasn't been finished and may not get enough support to pass the Senate because of the tax issue.

This piece of work continued with this gem.

Salazar in his address primarily pinned the blame for what he sees as the lack of progress toward renewable energy on two Republicans."President Bush and Sen. McCain have failed to show any leadership on this issue for the last eight years," Salazar said.

Take a look in the mirror and see one of the primary culprits who helped enable these Bush whores to do what ever they wanted. Saying this shit to rationalize to yourself that you are blameless makes me want to upchuck. ASSHOLE!

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