
Some Of Us Can Count Ourselves Lucky

Yesterday at this time the first thing I saw was that a friend had suddenly died at a young age. It turns out from an article this morning it was a blood clot. Not super close but still someone I considered a friend.

A bit later I called another friend who was very tight with this person. In recent weeks we had several conversations about his elderly parents and the issue they and his family were facing something I just went through. He told me his father had fallen and hit his head. He was on a plane in the afternoon headed back to probably take his father off of life support. Sunday was a very bad day for him.

Today and particularly tomorrow I will be making a major change in my life by moving from here. I am looking forward to it and am excited. I feel so fortunate that I have control over what I do that I still have my health and that I am able to perform most any task without difficulty.

I also understand all that can come to a screeching halt in the next moment so I relish at this time the ability to do so knowing full well there is a time coming for me too. I am fortunate that this is the case and my thoughts continue to stray to all those less fortunate than me that face any number of difficulties and just wish to say I am thinking of you.

May all of you have an excellent day today!


  1. Good luck with yer move Bud, get yer ass back online ASAP.

  2. Best of luck with the move Bud! Things are moving too quick in that regard here but yes life is short. You have had a good one from what I can see. Glad you appreciate it and hold on to that! They say do not live in the past but BS. I hope like me you have already lived many life times then whatever happens in the future means nothing. You take care and good luck!

  3. Thank's for the thougt guys!!
