
This Is Just Pure Horse Shit These Kids Are Giving Their Lives Like This Meaning NON-HOSTILE

Update-These figures have changed below. Seven were killed in a helicopter crash not five so the total is 14 . The last 14 US troops killed in Iraq were by non-hostile means.

The post I was going to make was going to be about the last seven combat deaths in Iraq being non-hostile in nature. I go to get this and here in less than twenty minutes five more had been put up all non-hostile deaths making for now the last 12 American troops killed in Iraq have died by non-hostile means and all it will get anywhere is a mention.

I'm at a loss for words because I'm so goddamned outraged! We must leave Iraq if there is to be any chance of some stability in our country and that includes getting the crazy bastards out of the power. I hope so hard but only when I see it will I believe it.

09/17/08 NAME NOT RELEASED YET Pending Non-hostile - helicopter crash Basra (west of)
09/17/08 NAME NOT RELEASED YET Pending Non-hostile - helicopter crash Basra (west of)
09/17/08 NAME NOT RELEASED YET Pending Non-hostile - helicopter crash Basra (west of)
09/17/08 NAME NOT RELEASED YET Pending Non-hostile - helicopter crash Basra (west of)
09/17/08 NAME NOT RELEASED YET Pending Non-hostile - helicopter crash Basra (west of)
09/17/08 NAME NOT RELEASED YET Pending Non-hostile Baghdad
09/17/08 NAME NOT RELEASED YET Pending Non-hostile Baghdad
09/14/08 Marino, Ralph J. DoD Confirmation Non-hostile - illness Camp Buehring
09/14/08 Durbin, Wesley R. DoD Confirmation Non-hostile - shooting incident Tunnis
09/14/08 Dawson, Darris J. DoD Confirmation Non-hostile - shooting incident Tunnis
09/10/08 Sexton, Daniel R. DoD Confirmation Non-hostile Balad (Joint Base Balad)
09/05/08 Thibeault, Jordan P. P. DoD Confirmation Non-hostile Balad (FOB Hammer)


  1. Yep, and a MC helo set down on a golf course last night that I can walk to in less than three minutes. So where's all the $$ for this war going? It's not vet health care, it's not equipment.

    My guess is defense contractors.

  2. Looks like it was a Chinook crash.
    BAGHDAD (AP) — Seven American soldiers were killed in southern Iraq early Thursday when their helicopter crashed as it was flying into the country from Kuwait, the U.S. military said.
    [end quote]
    Hard to say whether combat conditions contributed to the crash or not.

  3. You're up on me here so thanks! I am confused! I thought they said 7 were killed in the helicopter not that it matters. I didn't know about the other 5 either. Every time I see these fatalities I look for my sons names.
    What the hell is a non hostile shooting? Suicide? We have to get the hell out of there but you have to wonder besides Afghanistan who is next? I'll shut up!

  4. It was five when I made the post and seven this morning but have had time all day to make the change. I do not know what a non-hostile shooting is but the result is the same. We really do not have a clue what is happening there. 140k troops plus all the contractors without a bit of oversite. You have more than one son there so that makes you a major player.

    How many thousands of parents do the same as you do every every day? It's gotta get very old and wear on you. tb

  5. I have two in and out of Afghanistan and Iraq. One in EOD and says he will be home mid October. One flies support on a C17 it is Jim convoying and choppering around that I worry about.
    Tom is in basic right now and will train to be a combat engineer. You know, I try not to think about it. I am their Father not their keeper.
    I raised men and they listen to me then do what they want. Oh well! I will shut up before I get carried away, take care!

  6. I am going through the news right now but I thought this would scare the shit out of you about at least two of the supposed non violent deaths. One of my sons tells me some horror stories and that they let in people with Down Syndrome and worse but check this out! Family of U.S. soldier in dark about 'non-hostile' death
