
Accidental Voter Purging My Ass

The actions do not seem to be coordinated by one party or the other, nor do they appear to be the result of election officials intentionally breaking rules, but are apparently the result of mistakes

but for every voter added to the rolls in the past two months in some states, election officials have removed two

I don't believe this shit not even for a second but do believe two have been removed for every one added. That makes perfect sense when purging is what the goal is. It's a safe bet the Texas porker Rove and the Repug machine are behind this. Just laying ground work for the upcoming theft once again.

Update from the comments
nunya said...

That piece of shit Rove should have been frogmarched off to Gitmo years ago !!!!
Velvet Revolution Calls on John McCain to Fire Michael Connell for Covering Up for Karl Rove in Federal Election Manipulation Lawsuit


  1. It's also happening here in Indiana. Right now the polls show Obama and McCain are equally divided so the republicans have got to do something and we already know that whatever they do it will be illegal and in their favor.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. oops, that's frogmarched, not forgmarched. :)
