
The Bull Shit Is So Deep You Gotta Wear Shoulder High Waders

"I am not sure I am ready to vote for it yet."
He's looking for assurances that Congress will move quickly to increase oversight of the financial industry once the rescue package passes. He would like hearings begin soon.

That from our Dim Senator Saladbar. Well of fucking course he voted for it that's what this whore has done since he's been in there and that is assist these killers and thieves anyway he can and in my name no less the sonofabitch.

Congress move quickly to increase oversight and begin hearings my ass! Who the hell do the people think they're talking to. M. Moore wrote a piece on a ten step plan for this bill. In the end none of these ideas will be incorporated into this bill as it would make the monkey unhappy.

As with all the other legislation that have taken our rights away or given this administration what it wants this bill will end up being a debacle. There maybe a couple good points but nothing like it needs to be. A realtor who will attempt to sell the house I moved from yesterday told me her sales are 40% of what they were at the same time last year and now with winter coming on people will have less money all the way around.

Again it makes no sense that these bastards in power have been given most everything they've wanted by those on our side makes no sense. Along with signing statements that give this little imp even more there was not even a whimper from our side. There is much more going on here for this to happen. An Average American Patriot has been on this for some time and I agree and have been saying there is much more coming down the tube soon. LTFO!

Another thing that chaps my ass so bad is the Americans killed in Iraq. 25 last month. Bombings continue and these men killed and the situation there is hardly mentioned. We are so screwed!

1 comment:

  1. I am afraid Bush found another lie people will believe so he can further his Fascist agenda.
    Most people do not realize that we are not $10.6 trillion in debt. We are currently $53 trillion in debt
    Hell of a future Bush has created for our sons and daughters fighting his illegal wars. If they survive them they will choke on his debt. You know what is coming Bud!
    Oh yeah Thanks!
