

The level of hate the McFailin team and the GOP have been able to bring to the surface amazes me. This video has been put up before but I find it significant because in the animal world we are the only creatures who hate. If you have not seen this take a minute to do so as you will not be disappointed.


  1. I just can't look. I spent a couple of hours yesterday looking through some gun blogs, which I hadn't done in quite a while - those folks write some interesting and informative stuff - when they stick to guns.

    I guess I wasn't surprised by the trend toward the right, but I was shocked by some of the rants. Some of those folks are really frothing at the mouth with hate. It makes me sad because their attitude gives the anti-gun lobby more fuel for Their "crazies with guns" rants. It pisses me off that they think all Democrats are left wing commie socialist godless baby killing gun banning anti-America elitist gobs.

    So, I've had my dose of hate for now. I'm crossing my fingers that the election doesn't turn into a shit storm. Do keep your head down and watch your six.

  2. Love the video, but then I'm a big fan of irony.

    We're social creatures, but we didn't evolve as members of vast civilization. We evolved as little bands of animals that competed with other bands, and the other hominids, for survival. When you look at it that way, our current behavior makes more sense.

    Which isn't to say that it makes a whole lot of sense any way you look at it.

  3. The hate just gets worse every day as they fear losing the election! This is really sick!
    Watching all the underhanded efforts to keep Dems from the polls going on around the country today I have to wonder what the hell is next? They are not going to give up their mis agenda!

  4. Good points men.

    Maybe man didn't hate at first Cujo and it became part of us through the evolutionary process. That's interesting for sure but we sure do hate. We do that very well thank you.

  5. this is a party that has goon, thugs, brownshirts and skinheads left -- led by their very own eva peron -- or worse.

    i dont think the hate and vitriol will end on 11/4 --- it will only be the beginning
